Membership at IBC

The first and best way to get involved at IBC is to join the church. As disciples of Jesus, we are unified by our identity in Christ. Being a member makes our commitment to Christ and his people visible through the local church. It is a regular privilege that involves us in one another's lives for the purposes of the gospel. Our prayer is that membership at Immanuel Baptist Church would display to those around us what God’s love looks like. We would love for you to join us. 

How do you know if the life of the church lines up with the teaching and beliefs? The best way to find out is to ask. There are no questions that are off the table. So take time to talk to people after service and ask anything about the life and teaching of the church. If you would like to talk to a pastor or staff member, email us here.

After looking throughout church statement of faith and reading through our church covenant, the first step in getting the membership process started is to fill out the membership intake form.

Click the link below to be taken to this form!