Our Sunday Gatherings:

What To Expect

  • The Worship Service

    We value gathering together!

    We gather every week in order to worship God and be reminded of who we are because of what He has done. Our worship services are focused on worshipping God through Gospel-centered singing, preaching, and fellowshipping.

    What time does service start?


    Coffee and other refreshments are available before and after each service. Feel free to come early and stay late!

    When is the service over?

    Usually service will end around 12:15 - but there is some wiggle room here.

    What should I wear?

    Whatever is comfortable for you!

    There is no dress code and we have a wide variety of Sunday morning “style” represented. Some come in suits while others attend in t-shirts and shorts.

    Do I need to give money?


  • Children's Ministries

    We value our kids!

    We are a small congregation aiming to do the best possible job we can to serve our young families well. All our volunteers have gone through state-approved background checks.

    Nursery: Ages 0-3

    This is provided every week for the entire service. Each person who serves in the nursery has had a background check that has been approved by the state.

    Children’s Church: Ages 3-9

    This is also provided volunteers who have had an approved state background check. However, Children’s Church takes place only during the sermon; children will need need to stay with a parent/guardian until it is time for the sermon.

    Children’s church is not provided on Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of each month).

    Can my children stay with me during the sermon?

    Of course!

    We recognize that families have different values and needs. Children’s Church is an option, not a requirement.

Church Ordinances:

Something You May See On A Sunday Morning

  • Communion

    On the first Sunday of each month we have Communion, also known as The Lord’s Supper, during the service.

    What is Communion?

    During Communion, we distribute small pieces of bread and small cups of juice. The bread represents Jesus’ body and the juice represents his blood. Together, we eat the bread and drink the juice as a way to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made to accomplish our salvation. This certainly will seem strange to some, but it is a special way for the church to reflect upon and remember that their unity, participation, and fellowship are all possible because of Jesus’ death.

    Who can take communion?

    Anyone who has placed their trust in Jesus for salvation may participate with us in taking communion. All others are still welcome and encouraged to come and observe this special church family ordinance and ask any questions.

  • Baptism

    Scattered throughout the year, we will have opportunities for people to get baptized. Most often, these baptisms will take place during a Sunday morning service.

    What is Baptism?

    A believer’s baptism is when someone who has trusted in Jesus for salvation chooses to proclaim their new life in Christ by being dipped under water and then brought back up out of the water. This interesting ritual is a powerful symbol for the believer, for by it they are declaring that just as Jesus died, they too have died to sin, and their coming up out of the water proclaims their new life in Christ, just as Jesus rose from the dead.

    Who can be baptized?

    Baptism is for anyone who has repented and believed in Jesus for salvation. Those interested in being baptized can sign up on a Sunday morning for a baptism class. After completing the class, that person will sign up for a date to be baptized.

 Both Baptism and Communion are commanded in Scripture, but are not means of salvation. They are ways for us to regularly remember where our salvation and fellowship is found. It is found in Jesus alone.

We practice Baptism by immersion, but recognize that not everyone is physically able to do this and we are happy to make accommodations knowing that Baptism is not our means of salvation.

Have more questions?

Email Pastor Ben:
